Legal updates to keep you in the know
Here you can read some of the most interesting developments across the legal landscape.
Breach of Intellectual Property claims on NFTs: goldmine!
A short discussion on potential IP claims against NFT creators and traders.
Defending allegations of trade mark infringement in Australia
When building a brand for your startup or small business it is critical to have an understanding of the key concepts of trade mark. If your business has infringed another businesses’ trade mark, you could be sued for trade mark infringement in Australia. In this article, we will outline possible defences to trade mark infringement.
Trade marks for SMEs and Startups
If you own a business, you will most likely have a logo, tagline or other features that distinguish your brand in the marketplace. Customers recognise you because of your branding, and when they see your logo, they know they will receive quality goods or services they can trust. This blog will set out what a trade mark is, benefits of registering a trade mark and the process for registering a trade mark in Australia.
The ACCC makes a move on digital advertising
Australian SMEs and entrepreneurs can look forward to a shake-up in the digital advertising world following the release of the ACCC’s Final Report from its Digital Advertising Services Inquiry (Ad Tech Inquiry).
Are anonymous reviews on the way out?
Business owners who have long suffered the pain of dealing with anonymous reviews may seriously consider following one panel beater from Sydney’s approach of bringing claims against Google to force it to disclose identifying details of such posts. That in turn, may see review websites crack down on anonymous reviews.