Legal updates to keep you in the know


Here you can read some of the most interesting developments across the legal landscape.

호주에서 유능한 변호사 찾는 방법
Pip Barry Pip Barry

호주에서 유능한 변호사 찾는 방법

호주에서 유능한 변호사 찾는 방법

스타트업과 중소기업에게 좋은 변호사를 찾는 일은 어려운 경험일 수 있습니다. 다양한 분야에서 30년 가까이 경험이 있는 호주 변호사로써, 이 블로그에서10가지 팁을 제공하고자 합니다.

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What to do when a client goes bust?
Pip Barry Pip Barry

What to do when a client goes bust?

What should you do when a client can’t pay? This blog provides some information for small businesses on what to when clients or customers run out of cash and become insolvent.

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Managing your cash flow as a small business
Pip Barry Pip Barry

Managing your cash flow as a small business

For Aussie start-ups and SMEs the first couple of years of business can be a rollercoaster when it comes to cash-flow. From feast to famine and back again, getting a good cash flow strategy in place is crucial to ensuring your financial security and laying the foundations for future growth.

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Defending allegations of trade mark infringement in Australia
Pip Barry Pip Barry

Defending allegations of trade mark infringement in Australia

When building a brand for your startup or small business it is critical to have an understanding of the key concepts of trade mark. If your business has infringed another businesses’ trade mark, you could be sued for trade mark infringement in Australia. In this article, we will outline possible defences to trade mark infringement.

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Trade marks for SMEs and Startups
Pip Barry Pip Barry

Trade marks for SMEs and Startups

If you own a business, you will most likely have a logo, tagline or other features that distinguish your brand in the marketplace. Customers recognise you because of your branding, and when they see your logo, they know they will receive quality goods or services they can trust. This blog will set out what a trade mark is, benefits of registering a trade mark and the process for registering a trade mark in Australia.

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How lawyers can help entrepreneurs sell their start-up
Pip Barry Pip Barry

How lawyers can help entrepreneurs sell their start-up

For entrepreneurs the sale of their business or start-up is an important event both financially and emotionally. Lawyers help business-owners to sell their business by drafting the business sale agreement and guiding them through the legal side of the process.

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Reforms to the employee share scheme regime - greater access, less red tape
Guest User Guest User

Reforms to the employee share scheme regime - greater access, less red tape

The new Treasury Laws Amendment (Costs of Living Support and Other Measures) Act 2022 introduces tax and regulatory amendments to the current employee share scheme regime. The reforms aim to decrease red tape for companies that issue options or shares to employees as part of an ESS. This makes it easier for businesses - particularly startups - to issue shares to their employees and, in turn, attract and retain talent.

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The ACCC makes a move on digital advertising
Pip Barry Pip Barry

The ACCC makes a move on digital advertising

Australian SMEs and entrepreneurs can look forward to a shake-up in the digital advertising world following the release of the ACCC’s Final Report from its Digital Advertising Services Inquiry (Ad Tech Inquiry). 

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Are anonymous reviews on the way out?
Pip Barry Pip Barry

Are anonymous reviews on the way out?

Business owners who have long suffered the pain of dealing with anonymous reviews may seriously consider following one panel beater from Sydney’s approach of bringing claims against Google to force it to disclose identifying details of such posts. That in turn, may see review websites crack down on anonymous reviews.

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